Where Research Begins: Choosing a Research Project That Matters to You

“Where Research Begins" is a comprehensive guide authored by Thomas Shawn Mullaney, a Guggenheim Fellow and Professor of History at Stanford University, and Christopher Rea, a Professor of Chinese at the University of British Columbia. While primarily designed to instruct graduate students in academic research methodologies, its principles are equally valuable for applications in diverse areas, including startups.

Here are 5 steps to research how to build a new business.

  1. Identify Topic: Business Translation: Discover Market Opportunities

  2. Ask Questions: Business Translation: Validate Market Needs

  3. **Find Your Impactful Problem:**Business Translation: Define Your Value Proposition

  4. **Design Your Project:**Business Translation: Develop Your MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

  5. Engage with the Customers and Problem Collective:

    Customer-facing: Beta Testing and Iterative Improvement with customers

    Peer-facing: Network and Engage with Industry Stakeholders

📣 Agenda items

2. Setting the Ground Rules (5 minutes)

3. Context Presentation (15 minutes)

4. Idea Generation Phase 1 - Individual Brainstorming (20 minutes)