😋 2024Q1
- 可能需要进一步降低 oncall 的难度
- (100% votes)[改进流程] 增加一个 weekly articles review 环节,一起过遍大家在这周分享的材料
- (80% votes)[学习和写作] 对目标公司和产业的创新机会有更加有效的理解,以更好地预测未来
- (60% votes)[积累优势和商业化] 做媒体,采访和认识创投圈的高手,发展读者社区
- (40% votes) [积累优势和商业化] 写 memo,卖 memo 和材料数据 (consultingservice)
- [学习和写作] 把 weekly review 的结果写成文章
- [延伸我们的触达] 接触到更多的聊得来的的创业者和投资人[延伸我们的触达] 接触到更多的有成功经验的创业者和投资人
- [延伸我们的触达] 引入新人加入我们的 deal review
- 整理 notion、分类 和让材料更可得
- 周三晚上 cutoff,准备内容
- 分成两个群 闲聊/纯投
- 加入音频和视频材料
🏗 2023Q2
- Objective 1: Understand and predict the future
- [ ] Use ChatGPT to accelerate our learning
- [ ] Understand core concepts: business models, moats, corporation valuation methods, etc.
- [ ] Understand individual businesses and discuss their businesses on GTM + product
- [ ] Publish our reviewed deals without confidential information
- [ ] Collect and organize investment research books and reports
- Objective 2: Expand the dealflow but distill the best
- [ ] Introduce the new process of one week for learning and one week for deals
- [ ] Build the investor database, maintain the dealbase
- [ ] Befriend more people and add value to the entrepreneur-investor network
🤘 2022 IRG
- Objective 1: Establish weekly dealflow
- [x] Source the team
- [x] build the weekly discussion routine
- [x] Collect members’ feedback and grow